Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Three planes and 16 hours later, we arrive at Craig's parent's home

We were awake by 4:50 AM to be able to get to the Tampa airport by 6 AM. We actually went south to go north. From Tampa, FL to Fort Lauderdale, FL to New Jersey to St. John, Newfoundland, Canada. Why did we take this flight? Well, it was cheap.  

This first flight/plane from Tampa to Fort Lauderdale was so small that it seated less than 20 and only 5 people, including Craig and I, were on this flight. The flight attendant requested that two people move to the back of the plane to stabilize it – he wasn’t joking. The plane engine sounded like a Prius on helium and I think I saw duct tape holding parts of the plane together. Thankfully it was a short flight, especially because there was no bathroom on it.   

The rest of our journey was uneventful, except for the drive at 10:30 PM from the St. John, Newfoundland airport to Craig’s family home when we passed a car accident. What was unusual about this accident was that a car had hit a moose (moose was killed – no suffering). This is a common occurrence in Newfoundland. It’s a reason to keep your eyes on the side of the road when driving at night. We made it home safe and sound. 

1 comment:

  1. wow! I thought living in wisconsin and deer was interesting...moose has to be really crazy! glad no suffereing. Poor little guy. I'm glad you didn't hit him-that would have made for a REALLY long day!!
